On the form it will ask for an audit score if your referral is regarding your alcohol intake. Calculate your personal score online. Once you have a score add it on the form.
Change Grow Live Warwickshire is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults (including offenders), families, carers and affected others in Leamington Spa, Nuneaton and Rugby.
Change Grow Live Warwickshire is a recovery-focused service with a full range of treatments and interventions designed to support people to take control of their recovery journey and achieve their recovery goals. Our services include harm reduction, opiate replacement prescribing, residential and community detoxes, counselling, emotional support and supported access to mutual aid. Support in accessing training, employment and housing will also be available.
Services they offer
- Confidential advice and information about drugs and alcohol
- A tailored package of care for those experiencing difficulties with drugs or alcohol
- Healthcare clinics
- Aftercare
- Family and friend support
- Educational group sessions and support
- Needle Exchange
They are based at
- 16 Court Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 2BB
Contact Information
You can call them on 01926 353 513 or email them on Warwickshire.Info@cgl.org.uk.